Fire & Flute – Shamanic Healing
Fire & Flute – Shamanic Healing
The first track 'Fire' was originally composed with the guidance of the classic 4-7 beats per second journey rhythm used within shamanism as a foundation which later evolved to the final piece. The second track 'Flute' includes gentle rhythmical percussion and Native American flute enabling the listener to integrate sacred healing's received from the experience. Feedback has been received starting it is very beneficial for one-to-one sessions within shamanism. This composition is a brilliant addition to any musical collection within shamanism and sound healing. Sample: [audio mp3=""][/audio] Press Play to Listen
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The recording begins very gently, with the healing rhythms softly arriving, intuitively guiding the listener into a deeper invitation towards sacred sleep. It is recommended that an intention is set prior to listening and awareness too spent ensuring volume levels are set accordingly to enable a rich and transformative experience is achieved. Sample: [audio mp3=""][/audio] Click Play to Listen
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Shaman Journey One
Shaman Journey One
Shaman Journey One This is a recording of the classic shamanic journey rhythm enabling people to enter the shamanic state of consciousness. It is intended for listeners who have received proper training within shamanic journeying and should not be used if you do not fully understand this ancient technique. Sample: [audio mp3=""][/audio] Press Play to Listen.
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Shaman Journey Two
Shaman Journey Two
Shaman Journey Two Shaman Journey Two is an incredibly rich and potent recording of the classic journey rhythm enabling people to enter the shamanic state of consciousness. Instead of using the drum, a 32 inch symphonic gong was used, which adds to the overall dynamics and uniqueness of this recording. Due to the numerous frequencies that a gong can produce, the classic journey rhythm was played in the centre and then layers of beautiful overtones were mixed into the final piece. Sample: [audio mp3=""][/audio] Press Play to LIsten
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