The Shamans Drum training

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Thank you for sharing your wonderful Medicine gifts from spirit. Thank you for teaching us how to enter the healing beauty and wisdom of the drum shamanically. All of which flowed from the beat of your open heart. You offered us an invitation to encounter and experience Spirit’s heartbeat through the drum and to celebrate and acknowledge each others unique dance and music with the Divine. So many times during the three days as we danced, drummed and meditated with the elements of nature it felt like Grace descending – such a blessing.
So it has been an honour and a privilege to have been part of such an inspiring and magical group of beings, gifted with so many individual talents. How wonderful to feel so much genuine respect and appreciation from you for each of our gifts and paths. As we shared in each other’s personal laughter, joy and tears I was reminded that we can only invite the singular truth of Spirit into our Sacred Space when we shatter the illusion of separation. Where there is mistrust and discord and the truth of unity, harmony and beauty cannot flourish.
And last but not least, thank you for working so quietly, with such humility, dignity and integrity. For me, these qualities are those of true shamans because they have been birthed from a deep compassion for the paths that others have walked. I think this kind of beauty is much needed today but very rare.
With deep gratitude, love and appreciation.

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